Unparalleled Volume of Applications for CONNECT Sustainable Industries Program’s Business Incubator

Congratulations to the 14 startups and businesses who have been selected for the CONNECT incubator, a 9-week intensive program for two cohorts – South West and Perth – including business bootcamp, weekly masterclasses, innovation site visits, regional and metro pitch and showcase events, and co-working space at a brand new South West business hub, The SET. 

Unparalleled Volume of Applications for CONNECT Sustainable Industries Program’s Business Incubator Read More

Sustainability at the heart of Startups

Congratulations to the 14 startups and businesses who have been selected for the CONNECT incubator, a 9-week intensive program for two cohorts – South West and Perth – including business bootcamp, weekly masterclasses, innovation site visits, regional and metro pitch and showcase events, and co-working space at a brand new South West business hub, The SET. 

Sustainability at the heart of Startups Read More

Exploring AgTech Horizons: Unveiling Innovations on the AgriStart HARVEST Field Trip

It was a busy two days for the AgriStart HARVEST cohort who journeyed  throughout the Wheatbelt South sub-region with site visits at and between Brookton, Cuballing, Narrogin, Wagin and Williams. The Field Trip has been part of the HARVEST program

Exploring AgTech Horizons: Unveiling Innovations on the AgriStart HARVEST Field Trip Read More

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