2023 has been non-stop for us as a new provider of the Australian Government’s Workforce Australia for Business Entrepreneurship Facilitator (EF) Program! It has been an honour to have the opportunity to help start-ups and micro-business through this free support service. We started the year with the launch of our EF video series, with ‘grant writing to fund your business innovations’ delivered by Natasha Teakle, and an introduction from Peter Clarke on the Business Model Canvas and Value Proposition Canvas to rapidly test and evaluate business models while they are in a formative state.

We held online workshops, one with Simona Hughes CA from Financial Utilities who never fails to make learning about finance more than tolerable! Simona helped our cohort get to know their numbers, manage cashflow, and pull the right levers to survive, grow and scale. Dr Natasha Teakle workshopped ways to create a company vision and mission that aligns with core values, sharing templates and tools for creating an agile strategic plan to keep business owners accountable. The recording is also available as part of the EF video series.

Alex Bakowski from Possibility Arena helped our group of amazing startups and business owners in the Health and Wellbeing industry to brainstorm the challenges of starting and running a business, voting on important themes to support each other in discussion. We are excited to use the insights gained from this session, with emerging themes around confidence, communication, commitment, change and clarity, to continue to develop our workplan to support our growing cohort over the coming years. It was fantastic to have so many entrepreneurial minds in the room, co-creating a group committed to supporting each other on the roller coaster ride that is the self-employment journey.

Justin Davies from Emergination delivered a “charismatic, funny and fun” (attendee feedback) workshop on time and stress management strategies to deal with the pressures of starting and running a business. A couple of fantastic free resources used in the session are available at the following links:
- Time Log: https://emergination.com.au/the-timelog-get-another-hour-out-of-each-and-every-day/
- Life Balance Diagnostic: https://emergination.com.au/all-diagnostics/

If you are interested in learning more about this free service, or to access a 1:1 in-person or online appointment with Peter to work through the Business Model Canvas for your business/idea, please complete the ‘Get in Touch’ form directly after the FAQ section on our website by clicking the following button. You will also be sent the password to access the EF video series!