$20,000 vouchers available to help local innovators commercialise ideas

The Innovation Vouchers Program is an initiative of the WA Government’s New Industries Fund, which assists start-ups and small businesses to commercialise their ideas and innovations and expand to create jobs. Applications for the 2021 round are now open.

Worth up to $20,000 each, the vouchers help early stage businesses access the professional skills and services they need to advance their ideas or commercial activities in Western Australia.

The vouchers provide support in one of four categories: research and development, product development, technology transfer/intellectual property or commercialisation support.

Recipients must co-contribute at least 20 per cent of their voucher funding to be eligible. For example, a $25,000 package includes a $20,000 voucher and a $5,000 co-contribution from the recipient.

The program’s webpage has been updated to include this year’s guidelines, an informational video and the portal to apply.  Applications for the IVP close at 11am WST on Tuesday, 25 May, 2021.

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