We are excited to give you an update from from Ash Roberts on our Entrepreneurship Facilitator Program, a free Workforce Australia service, delivered by Innovation Cluster.
Firstly, we’d like to say a huge thank you to Paul Faix for sharing his story at Eighth Avenue Social during our Meet the Entrepreneur Event!

It was fantastic to hear about the incredible insights Paul gained early in his career, working in a sign making business where he had the opportunity to meet many entrepreneurs and business owners and learn firsthand how they were promoting their businesses and reaching out to customers with value propositions to solve challenges. This is where Paul learned the importance of always striving to do a good job in any role in order to build a support network of people who appreciated and trusted his work.

Paul created an identity for himself of someone who is not afraid to identify problems or inefficiencies in a process and offering to support people with new creative ways of working. This early experience shaped his entrepreneurial mindset and motivation to continue to find ways to support customers with innovative products. Paul shared his values with the group, such as the importance he places on quality over quantity for his business – it is more important to bring individualised value and make a positive impact on one customer than it is to have 100 customers but not make a real difference to any of them. Paul believes the most important questions for a potential new hire is not about their strengths but to ask about their weaknesses and also when they have achieved real impact through helping someone.

Thank you again to Paul for his time, to our host Peter Clarke, and to all who joined with exciting conversations held over delicious platters from local small business Smoults Larder!