Meet the Entrepreneur: Scott Robinson

The SET 1/25 Burler Drive, Vasse, Australia

Join us for an exclusive evening of inspiration and innovation at our Meet the Entrepreneur event. This is your opportunity to gain valuable knowledge from a distinguished entrepreneur who has made significant strides in the business world. Our featured speaker […]


South West Investor Tour

As part of the evokeAg conference being held in Perth, a tour to the southwest of WA will provide a unique opportunity to showcase talent to interstate and international investors. This tour will connect Agtech start-ups to investors, in an […]

Agriculture Traceability Panel Discussion & AgTech Innovation Demonstrations

Sandalford Winery Estate 3210 West Swan Rd, Caversham, WA, Australia

AGRICULTURAL TRACEABILITY & INNOVATION AGTECH PANEL DISCUSSION & DEMONSTRATIONS Thursday 22nd February 2024 Sandalford Winery Swan Valley WA This pivotal event will connect and unite over 100 international, national and local attendees across the agriculture & livestock sectors including investors, […]


Meet the Entrepreneur Series: Steve Knight

The SET 1/25 Burler Drive, Vasse, Australia

Join us over lunch for the next installment of our Meet the Entrepreneur Series, featuring Steve Knight, a distinguished Business Communications Specialist. Communication Readiness for Business - Art of Comms Workshop Discover how to craft compelling messages that resonate with your audience and learn to deliver with confidence […]


Regional Innovation Summit

Hilton Garden Inn, Busselton

Explore the latest tech and innovation for sustainability at the Regional Innovation Summit Gain insights from keynote speakers from across Australia about future industries holding immense promise for the South West region including Future Food, Productive Oceans and Sustainable Seafood, and Technology for Net […]


Meet the Entrepreneur: Mohinder Jaimangal

The SET 1/25 Burler Drive, Vasse, Australia

Join Mohinder Jaimangal, founder of Curve Tomorrow, as he shares his journey from engineer to CEO, developing innovative health technologies that address real world challenges. With over 20 years of experience, he will reveal how design thinking can transform products […]


Meet the Entrepreneur Series: Olivia Humphrey

The SET 1/25 Burler Drive, Vasse, Australia

Olivia Humphrey spent many years in film distribution at Roadshow Entertainment, BBC and Austar/Foxtel before founding the independent streaming platform, Kanopy, which forged a new channel for streaming films to library members. Olivia boot-strapped the company in 2008 before uprooting […]


Entries Close for Future Founders

Calling all young entrepreneurs! The 2025 Future Founders Youth Entrepreneurship Program is now open for applications! This FREE program is designed to empower local youth aged 16+ with the skills, knowledge, and mentorship to turn their ideas into reality. Plus, every participant will receive […]


HARVEST AgTech Accelerator Info Session: Insights & Opportunities

HARVEST is WA’s leading agtech business program for businesses looking to innovate in the Agtech industry. Now in its ninth year, HARVEST has supported over 80 businesses. The program is valued at over $10,000 and is FREE for successful applicants. […]

earlyHARVEST Agtech Pre-Accelerator Workshop

Wrays Wrays, Level 7, 863 Hay Street, Perth, Perth, Western Australia, Australia

The HARVEST Agtech Pre-Accelerator Workshop will be led by Natasha Teakle, Managing Director of AgriStart and will focus on key aspects of the Agtech sector, including understanding industry challenges, identifying target customers, refining value propositions, and validating ideas.  Date: Wednesday 9th […]

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