Growing an agrifood startup in Australia

Hear from top tier speakers about funding and support opportunities available from grants to accelerator programs, and you will also get the lowdown on the evokeAG Startup Network Program and why you should apply. Hosted by AgriStart & evokeAG Speakers: Dr Natasha Teakle, […]

Start Up Network Applications Close

AgriStart has joined forces with evokeAG to bring agrifood innovators the Startup Network Program. The program aims to build the networks and capability of Australian agrifood startups to support adoption of new technologies on-farm. Successful participants will receive a travel bursary, and […]

Innovation Vouchers Program Closes

The Innovation Vouchers Program is an initiative of the WA Government’s New Industries Fund, which assists start-ups and small businesses to commercialise their ideas and innovations and expand to create jobs. Apply here