South West Brewers Alliance

Export and Logistics Group Survey


Section 1: Current or previous export opportunities.

1. Does your brewery currently engage in any export activities?
(what worked, what didn’t, what did you wish you knew beforehand etc.)
3. Are you looking to improve or expand your export endeavors?

Section 2: Beginning or Expanding Export Opportunities

4. What are your future plans or ambitions for export?
5. What format(s) would you like to export?
(select multiple if applicable)
6. What volume or quantities would you like to send (packaged quantities or volume equivalents)?
7. What export markets would your brewery like to tackle?
(e.g. pooling of resources/sharing containers, promoting the group partnership from a geographical branding perspective, leveraging the group structure in partnering with importers or distributor networks)
9. Are you aware of the Export Market Development Grant (EMDG) Program?
E.g. In Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand (product pre-registration requirements in Malaysia can take several months)

Section 3: Logistics

With respect to Logistics, we acknowledge that this aspect of your business operations you may want to remain confidential in terms of strategy, costing, and vendor partnerships. However, it would be good to know your thoughts on how the alliance could be beneficial to this space

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